“Creating Opportunities,

Inspiring Change”

And ultimately caring for the less privileged: Okoukoni Care Foundation’s vision of hope.

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Join us and become a part of our family.

You will have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the less privileged in our society, contributing to positive change and transformation.

We act together

An active community

Education and Scholarships

Skills Training and Empowerment

Educational seminars

Community Development Projects

Social Welfare and Support

Become a volunteer

Be part of a network of individuals who share a common vision, working hand in hand to create a better future for all, leaving no one behind.


We believe that together, we can create a supportive and inclusive community where compassion, empathy, and empowerment thrive, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

okoukoni Care Foundation - okoukonicarefioundation.org

Education & Scholarships

Okoukoni Care Foundation aims to provide educational opportunities and scholarships to underprivileged individuals in the community. This service includes financial support, mentorship programs, and access to educational resources to empower individuals and help them pursue their academic goals.

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Community Development Projects

Okoukoni Care Foundation actively engages in community development projects aimed at improving infrastructure, sanitation, and overall living conditions. This service involves collaborating with local communities, government agencies, and other stakeholders to identify and implement projects that address pressing community needs.

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Okoukoni Crae Foundation - okoukonicarefoundation.org
Okoukoni Crae Foundation - okoukonicarefoundation.org

Social Welfare & Support

Okoukoni Care Foundation provides social welfare services and support to vulnerable individuals and marginalized groups. This service includes offering financial assistance, food aid, shelter support, and social counseling to those facing challenging circumstances, such as poverty, homelessness, or domestic abuse.

Get involved

Empowering communities, transforming lives – Okoukoni Care Foundation is dedicated to implementing holistic initiatives that create lasting change in education, healthcare, community development, and social welfare.

Our approach

What we do

At Okoukoni Care Foundation, we firmly believe in empowering communities, transforming lives, and creating sustainable opportunities for the less privileged. Join us on this transformative journey as we work towards a world where no one is left behind. Together, we can make a difference and create a society where compassion, dignity, and equal opportunities flourish.

Education and Scholarships

Skills Training and Empowerment

Community Development Projects

Social Welfare and Support


Latest news

Be a part of our growing community to address basic social needs

Through our relentless commitment to international standards, professionalism, and transparency, we aim to create a lasting impact on the lives of individuals in Edo State, Nigeria, and beyond. We firmly believe that by empowering communities and providing sustainable opportunities, we can pave the way for a brighter future for all.